Sonne's #9 Intestinal Cleanser is a finely ground powder of imported psyllium seed and its husk. As it contains primarily fiber and no laxative or herbal stimulants, it can be used on a daily basis to assist normal bowel peristalsis. (In contrast, laxatives and herbal preparations stimulate the peristaltic muscles of the bowel, and, if used regularly create a "dependency" and weaken normal colon function.) Psyllium seed has a hydrophilic (water-loving) action that softens hardened mucous lining the bowel wall, facilitating its elimination. Psyllium seed can help you achieve a high fiber diet.
Dietary fiber is a necessary component of the diet that is glaringly lacking in the typical western diet. Lack of dietary fiber can cause constipation. Psyllium is a rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Taking psyllium on a daily basis can supplement the diet with high-quality fiber, and ensure at least one normal bowel movement every day.
The psyllium seed we use is derived from a small plant that is grown in Pakistan and India, Plantago ovato blond. In 1833, the French Dictionaire Universale de Materia Medica recorded the virtues of Plantago psyllium as a "home remedy" and referred to it as being "emollient, soothing, relaxing, etc." In Pharacographia of Fluckiger and Hanbury (1874), there appeared a complete physical description of the seeds: "A decoction of the seeds (one part to 70 parts of water) is employed in India as a cooling demulcent drink. The seeds powdered and mixed with sugar, or made gelatinous with water, are sometimes given for chronic diarrhea." This citation highlights the need to take plenty of water with any psyllium product. The volume of water needed is one reason why psyllium should not be taken in capsule or tablet form.
A British Pharmaceutical Codex for 1911 includes a statement about the psyllium plant and its useful properties: "The seed coat contains a large quantity of mucilage, and the seeds are taken dry or mixed with water in chronic diarrhea and in atony (weakness of a muscle or organ) of the intestine with constipation. They are much used in Continental practice." This is why we use the whole seed and not just the husk, as many products on the market do. When psyllium is mixed with water, a mucilaginous mass is formed by virtue of the mucilage, which exudes from the cell walls. The outer covering of the seed possesses the bulk-forming properties. It contains no irritants to stimulate peristaltic action in the digestive tract. It possesses no laxative or cathartic ingredients. Any effect obtained is entirely due to whatever mechanical stimulus the added fecal bulk affords and to the lubrication provided by the mucilage from the seed.
We pay a premium for our psyllium to obtain a better than average product. Our experience of over 70 years has demonstrated that some psyllium seeds are faster jelling and more mucilaginous than others. We know this product will do a superior job on a larger number of people than any other bulk material generally available. Other products on the market contain herbs and other laxatives. These substances stimulate the muscles of the colon wall to contract in order to produce a bowel movement. When used on a continuous basis, laxatives can become habit-forming. This creates a situation where the colonic muscles will not contract by themselves, because they are dependent upon some external stimulus. Sonne´s #9 Intestinal Cleanser contains both the psyllium seed and husk, balanced as found in nature. NO fillers, NO binders, NO flavors, and NO laxatives are added to stimulate peristaltic action. Fiber alone provides the necessary impetus for bowel wall contractions. Because the Intestinal Cleanser is only fiber, it can be taken on a daily basis, or used as part of a more intensive 7 Day Cleansing Program.
Sonne's #9 Intestinal Cleanser and #7 Detoxificant are ideal companion products, and we recommend they be used together for maximum detoxification of the alimentary canal.*
This product is a key component included in our 7-Day Cleansing Program kit.
Recommended Dosage: One heaping teaspoon mixed with water or juice, 1-3 times daily. Follow with one or more glasses of water.
Directions: May be taken as described above, or put one tablespoon of Sonne's #7 Detoxificant in jar or shaker with at least 8 oz. of juice or water. Add one heaping teaspoon of Sonne's #9 Intestinal Cleanser. Shake vigorously or blend to make sure solution is properly mixed. (Some people prefer to take the Sonne's #7 separately so the liquid won´t gel so quickly.)
Contents: 10 oz. - powdered form
Literature: "Intestinal Cleanser "