The Sonne's 7-Day Colon Cleanse is designed to reduce your food intake while providing the vital vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body needs for metabolic support during our fasting & cleansing program. This kit may also be used as a Daily Maintenance Program to derive the benefits of nutritional supplementation and calorie restriction for intermittent fasting. Or, it can be used in as a complete 7 Day Colon Cleansing Program, as an integrated system of self-purification that combines the benefits of fasting, fibrous intestinal cleansers, nutritional supplements and daily colonic irrigation. It is a complete program of detoxification that helps rejuvenate every organ, gland, tissue and cell in the body.* You will be amazed at the beneficial results of this program, and you can be assured of the best products Nature has to offer!
Over 70 years experience with fasts and cleansing have convinced us that each year the colon of the average American becomes more clogged and distorted. We firmly believe that unless all fecal matter is removed, no amount of drugs, operations, vitamins or food supplements (including ours) will rid the body of all chronic ailments. Therefore, the most important procedure directed toward regaining your health is the complete and thorough cleansing of the colon, no matter what or how long it takes. We recommend that our customers first clean out the colon through the use of an enema, colonic, or our #9A Herbal Supplement before starting the use of our nutritional products. This will afford better nutrient absorption to achieve better results.
Important Note: Victor Earl Irons (Sonne´s Founder) was the very first to introduce a colon cleansing program to the public (in the 1930's), even before it became popular. Great care and expense have gone into maintaining the "Life" in each product, where applicable. When you carry Sonne´s products, you are selling the original and the best!
The basic kit contains all five items necessary for the Sonne´s 7 Day Colon Cleansing Program or the Daily Maintenance Program in a special package with instructions. Also enclosed is a sample bottle of #9A Herbal Supplements(out of stock). You may choose to purchase our #18 Beet Plant Juice Tablets separately to complement this program, as they provide nutrients to support normal blood and liver functions.* (out of stock)
Recommended Dosage: A 7 day fast should be a must for everyone 2 to 4 times per year. Moderate fasting should be routine for everyone. As daily maintenance, take each product at least once daily as directed on the respective bottles.
Directions: For complete instructions, see "The Sonne´s 7 Day Colon Cleansing Program Instructions." Briefly, consume no food for 7 days. Upon rising the first day, take a Cleansing Drink consisting of #7 Detoxificant and #9 Intestinal Cleanser in juice. One hour and a half later, take the food supplements: #10 GreenLife® , #3 Wheat Germ Oil, #17 Natural Source Vitamin C, and #18 Beet Plant Juice Tablets (with the Deluxe Kit) (out of stock). Alternate taking the drink and pills 1.5 hours apart, throughout the day. Take 2 tablets of #9A Herbal Supplement (out of stock) with the last Cleansing Drink before retiring. For best results, use daily colonic irrigation during the cleanse.
Contents: This product is available in two (2) types:
The Deluxe Kit contains all the above plus #18 Beet Plant Juice Tablets (out of stock on Beets)