Nature´s Perfection

Compare this picture of a Normal Healthy Colon with the X-Rays shown below. The below six pictures of prolapsed, distorted, twisted, sickly looking colons are exact reduced reproductions of X-ray negatives of the colons of APPARENTLY healthy, civilized people whose illusion about their physical condition was exploded when they SAW this conclusive evidence.
Outline which would appear in the X-ray picture of a truly HEALTHY COLON. Picture courtesy of V.E. Irons, Inc. © 2007 All Rights Reserved.
Man´s Perversions

The famous Harvey W. Kellogg, M.D. of Battle Creek, Michigan, once said: "Of the 22,000 operations I personally performed, I never found a single normal colon and of the 100,000 performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal."
How can any reasonable mind think that a drug, a vitamin, a vitamin and mineral supplement, or even a natural food concentrate, used as a supplement, could possibly overcome the damage that has been done to such colons as these? To our thinking the purchase or sale of any item on the pretext that it will overcome such conditions is obtaining money under false pretense.
The years of accumulated damage such as was done in the colons shown here are not so easily or quickly remedied and the individual who may have a similar condition should first be shown the problem they may have to face. Once a person realizes the problem, he is much more prone to listen to sound logic.
There are no quick or easy ways to correct such conditions of the colon. Our theory is that these colons must first be cleaned out through internal cleansing. Then, important lifestyle changes should include: (1.) a diet high in nutritional value from both foods and supplementation, (2.) add natural fiber on a daily basis to assist with peristaltic movement, and (3.) exercise regularly (walking, jogging, aerobics, bicycling, etc.). Time, patience and faith in Natural Law are a must if the individual is to return to better health and prevent future complications. LIVE VITAL FOODS of a soft nature and a NATURAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT should help rebuild a better tone, but until this can be accomplished, we recommend Sonne´s #7 Detoxificant and Sonne´s #9 Intestinal Cleanser as invaluable. Together these products may be taken as a Daily Maintenance Program.
Note: The above X-ray negative reproductions of various colonic conditions illustrate the value of good colonic health, and are not necessarily typical of any specific condition which might be encountered by the reader. Some so-called experts might disagree, also, with the statements of Dr. Kellogg. In any event, publication of these reproductions shall not be construed as a claim or representation that any of our products constitute a cure, ameliorative, or palliative for any specific condition noted.